Sankt Thomas School
Sankt Thomas School accepts students from pre-school class, all the way up to grade 9, as well as in pre-school activities. Therefore, we have a unique opportunity to follow the children all the way through primary school and thus ensure their knowledge. We also strive to keep class sizes down so that each child is seen and can develop at their own pace, with the right kind of challenges along the way.
We value good communication with the guardians. A positive presence in the classroom and at school lays the foundation for students to feel safe and able to focus on teaching.
In grades F-3, each class has a class teacher who teaches the vast majority of subjects. Subject teachers complement the class teacher in certain subjects such as sports and music. The class teachers for the younger grades work closely together and carry out joint activities and projects.
From grade 4, a few more subject teachers are introduced, but the responsibility for the class is held together by two mentors who teach the core subjects.
During grades F-6, the classes have a main classroom and almost all teaching takes place in our beautiful bell house, which is nicely located in the leafy Sankt Larsparken.
Years 7-9 have their lessons in newly renovated premises at Futurum, which is in a nearby building in the park. Here, the students have subject teachers with authorization for the higher grades. The responsibility for the students’ knowledge development is shared by 1-2 mentors, depending on the size of the class.
The school has a Catholic orientation and is open to all students, regardless of cultural and religious background. In addition to the teaching, which is non-denominational and follows the Swedish curriculum (Lgr 22), we offer gatherings related to important Christian holidays and various ethical issues. We work actively with values and treatment and encourage students to reflect and discuss. We want to offer a school environment characterized by community, tolerance and the joy of studying. Sankt Thomas school is run by a non-profit foundation without any profit interest.